Building genomics software that is a joy to use.
Staff Software Engineer (March 2024) • Senior Software Engineer (January 2022)
Built metagenomics analysis tools on CZ ID. Improved heatmap front-end rendering time by 10X. Led effort to improve large uploads by surfacing data quality issues before upload begins, which prevented > 3 TBs of invalid data from being uploaded. As a result, we saved users hours of upload time, and reduced cloud storage/compute costs.
Engineering Manager (September 2020) • Senior Bioinformatics Software Engineer (March 2018)
Built suite of internal software tools for reviewing clinical genomics data, monitoring lab health/stuck samples, and handling terabytes of sequencing data daily. Improved team's on-call experience by automating away recurring high-priority issues.
Senior Bioinformatics Software Engineer
Developed genomics app store for new sequencing technology. Improved basecalling runtime by 6X and RAM usage by 3X.
Bioinformatics Scientist II, Software
Built a collaborative cloud platform for single-cell RNA-seq analysis and visualization. Reduced cloud costs and runtime by 30X.
PhD, Biological Sciences (Bioinformatics)
Developed algorithms for analyzing single-cell DNA sequencing data to identify key genomic events and retrace tumor evolution.
B.Eng, Computer Engineering